DigiGreeNPost Project

DigiGreeNPost Project in a nutshell 

Status: On-going
Duration: 2022-2025 (36 months)
Project number:  101055901

In cooperation with PostEurop’s Operational Activities (OAC), Green Mobility Forum (GMF) and Corporate Social Responsibility Activities (CSR-C), Environment WG & Training WG, applied for the European Commission Erasmus+ Programme, DigiGreeNPost Project “Towards a more Digital & Greener Postal Era”. The Project application has been successful and approved by the European Commission. The Project started in September 2022 and will have a duration of 3 years.

The European postal industry is a key contributor to the European economy with an increased importance during the COVID19 pandemic. The once traditional sector is currently moving fast to a new digital era while also undertaking concrete actions on environmental issues. The DigiGreeNPost project intends to bring resilience to the postal industry through the provision of upskilling for postal employees in green and digital competence areas, acting as an enabler towards the implementation of digital and green policy agendas, building the understanding of the importance of digital and green-related jobs throughout the sector.

The project will achieve this goal through the following activities: a Transnational Ecosystem for DigiGreen Skilled Postal Employees, Two New Skills Curricula, Pilot delivery of Trainings, a Dual Recognition Scheme in the Postal Sector as well as Dissemination and Exploitation Activities.

Outputs that will be produced from the above-mentioned activities are:

  • a) Upgrade of Sectoral Profiles with new skills,
  • b) a Competence Framework,
  • c) a DigiGreen Post Model,
  • d) two Competence-based Curricula,
  • e) a new Joint Training Scheme including Web Based Learning (WBL),
  • f) an e-learning platform,
  • g) Individual Learning Accounts (with Micro-credentials awarding)
  • h) and a new “Cross-Border” Certification Scheme.

The target groups that will benefit from the project are:

  • a) end users;
  • b) Current and future potential postal employees, Postal Managers, Learning and development (L&D) Managers, Trainers, and relevant stakeholders;
  • c) Postal Operators & Business representatives, VET/Educational Providers, Higher Educations Institutions (HEIs), & Research Institutions, Umbrella Organizations, Policy Makers.

Therefore, the expected results of the project will be:

  • a) the resilience and harmonization of the EU postal industry under common initiatives,
  • b) the reinforcement of digitalization in the postal sector, the adaptation of green practices,
  • c) the creation of “digigreen” skilled workforce and the enhancement of their employability,
  • d) the creation of synergies between the Education Providers and the sector representatives.

The project consortium is led by the Greek partner AKMI S.A, which is an institution specialised in vocational education & training (VET) provider and it includes: PostEurop, Instruction & Formation, CPIP, Hellenic Open University, Institute for Political Ecology, EVBB, Hellenic Post (ELTA), Posta Romana, EuroCert, BK-con, and SLING.

The DigiGreeNPost Project alliance will create a common learning and skills recognition framework, user friendly and accessible by all postal workers, who are seeking jobs in postal and delivery companies in different countries across the EU. By influencing the current status of the qualification frameworks as well as affecting the Vocational Education and Training (VET) offered in each country, our project will enable mobility of postal workers and to unify therefore the postal sector in the EU.

Last updated 14 October 2022

Project Director
Antonino Scribellito
T: +32 27731193
Assistant Project Manager
Waqas Ahsen
T: +32 27619652
Project Assistant
Angjelo Andoni
T: +32 2 761 9653

Funding Institutions